March House(Qingdao) Co., Ltd. Is a large modern modular housing enterprise integrating professional design, manufacturing and construction. We have a complete set of production facilities such as independent molding workshop, automatic welding workshop, automatic color plate production workshop, assembly workshop etc. to satisfy the on-time production and delivery requirement for each case with high quality. With our reliable quality product and fully after-sales service, we are also developing exclusive agencies in the local market. There are 23 project managers with strong experience in handling large project overseas, and 20 professional design engineers in our team. MARCH HOUSE is always in pursuit of the quality requirements and professional installation capabilities, participate in building a better home for our customers.
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Yuqori sifatli oson o'rnatish xonadon uyi / Uylar Zamonaviy prefabrik konteyner uyi
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Bir xonali prefabrik uyga ega prefabrik engil o'lchovli po'lat konstruktsiyali uy villasi
Zamonaviy hashamatli standart 40 fut prefabrik yashash uchun yuk tashish konteyner uyi