- haqida umumiy ma'lumot
- Shu Mahsulotlar
Nowadays, container houses are gradually being used in various construction industries such as residential buildings, hotels, and homestays due to their low cost, quick construction, uniqueness, stability, and mobility. Container houses are environmentally friendly, time-saving, flexible, and offer more choices to people compared to traditional housing. Individuals, families, and even enterprises can all find what they need. A house made of a steel box can also be full of artistic atmosphere, while being environmentally friendly and time-saving.
In interior design, one trend that seems to persist is environmental friendliness, and the new wave of eco-friendly buildings is container houses. With containers, you can almost use these boxes to create any space, including adding to existing kitchen designs, adding new bathrooms, creating additional bedroom designs, or even creating a brand new living room design for your family to fulfill any imagination. Interior design is very flexible, and of course, containers are no exception. They can change the interior and exterior of the space to adapt to the appearance and style of the home.
Texnik xususiyatlari:
20 fut Hajmi: 6096 mm x 2438 mm x 2591 mm (20 fut x 8 fut x 8.5 fut)
Area: 14sqm
Standart xususiyatlar
The materials used for our flat packed container office are listed under below:
● Q235B po'lat navini tasdiqlovchi po'lat rulolar va kvadrat trubka;
● Ommabop rang oq kulrang, boshqa ranglar moslashtirilishi mumkin;
● 50 mm PU yoki tosh junli yonmaydigan sendvich panellar devorlar uchun ishlatiladi;
● Konteyner uchun maxsus zamin, suv o'tkazmaydigan qoplama + hammom uchun plitkalar, laminat taxta yoki umumiy maydon uchun WPC zamin;
● Ichki eshik o'lchami: 0.9 mVt * 2.1 mH. Sizning talablaringiz bo'yicha boshqa eshiklar qo'llanilishi mumkin;
● Shisha toymasin eshik: Sizning talablaringiz bo'yicha sozlanishi mumkin.
● Oyna: alyuminiy qotishma oynasi
Ixtiyoriy xususiyatlar
● Isitish va sovutish moslamasi: 12,000/10,000BTU (sovutish/issiqlik)
● zinapoyalar va platformalar
● Mebel (stol, stol va stullar)
● Xavfsizlik oynasi ekranlari
● Chelik eshik, deraza (Tilt va burish), Panik bar va eshikni yopuvchi
● Hammom (hojatxona, lavabo, dush kubigi)
1. It is convenient for transportation. The house can be transported as a whole.
2. The on-site foundation work for container houses is minimal. They can be used immediately after being transported to the site.
3. The roof adopts a structural waterproof design, enhancing the air tightness and water tightness of the house.
4. When leaving the factory, decorative accessories such as awnings can be added according to actual application needs.
5. The house can be recycled and used for up to 10 years without generating any construction waste during use.
Savol: O'rnatish uchun professional ishchimiz bo'lmasa, nima qilishimiz kerak?
Javob: Biz batafsil yig'ilgan qurilishni taqdim etamiz va videoni o'rnatamiz yoki agar kerak bo'lsa, muhandisimizni saytingizda yo'l-yo'riq xizmatini taqdim etishni tashkil qilishimiz mumkin.
Savol: etkazib berish muddati qancha?
Javob: Odatda bu 5-30 kun ichida, ma'lum vaqt buyurtmaga bog'liq.
Savol: Mahsulotlar sifatiga qanday kafolat berasiz?
Javob: Mahsulot sifatini qat'iy nazorat qilish, sifat kelajakni yaratadi. Bu bizning fabrikamizning tamoyilidir. Fabrikamızdan har bir mahsulot qat'iy sinov tartib-qoidalariga ega va etkazib berishdan oldin 100% sifatga ega bo'lishi kerak.
Savol: Loyihaning kotirovkasini qanday olishim mumkin?
Javob: Agar sizda chizilgan rasm bo'lsa, biz sizning rasmingiz bo'yicha taklifimizni taklif qilishimiz mumkin. Agar sizda dizayn bo'lmasa, bizning muhandisimiz tasdiqlashingiz uchun ba'zi chizmalarni ishlab chiqadi va keyin sizga kotirovka taklif qiladi.